Speech 2

Journal Entries:

Journal 5: Since the last class, we have been working on creating our bullet points for the speech and our speaking points as well as creating the schedule for our busiest days. We communicated in class with our responsibilities for over the weekend, we set ourselves up in a really good spot at the end of last class, so we know that we were in a good spot to ensure we would have a productive weekend. As of now the only challenges that I have think we’ve encountered was just trying to figure out what skill we wanted to teach to the class, and one that we both had mastered in common. Trying to find things multiple people can do it hard, so that has been the challenge so far. I think our success as of now has also come from picking out our skill. We found something quite unique that we both are really passionate about so this speech won’t be hard to for us to create things to talk about. The fact that we are so passionate about this subject will really make the rest of the drafting and editing processes of our speaking points, and then the trial runs of the speech itself much easier. 

Journal 7: After our Dry Run in class, Sydney and I had lots of really good and helpful feedback for us to prepare for our real Speech, which we are doing on Tuesday. The feedback we got from our peers was quite positive, everyone was talking about how when we have our visuals it will be easier for our audience to understand exactly what we were talking about. The constructive criticism we received was that we talked very fast, which I know is a problem for myself. I talk at an aggressively fast pace no matter if I am nervous or excited or calm, so I know that is something I need to work on. The other piece of criticism we got was to add examples of how to show them to be organized. I think that we are going to add the element of how to be organized to our visual, so that we are able to show how to organize and how this can be a skill others can develop too. I think once we add the element of teaching the other students in class a way to organize it will be moe effective of us teaching a skill. As of now it feels like we are just talking about why we do it, and what it means for su. Now if we add this element it will really be like we are teaching everyone else how to be just a bit more organized. 

Journal 8: Since last class Sydney and I have been working on what our next steps in finalizing and understanding our project is going to be. We got a lot of good feedback in class during ht Dry Run so we now know what we need to be working on to ensure this speech is the best it can be. We are now working on adding a section into our speech about creating an organization list for assignments and walking the class through ways that they too can become more organized. A lot of the feedback was about making sure we actually added things that would help teach something, and the use of the visual will be super helpful to that. Sydney and I have been texting and emailing back and forth to make sure we each know what is getting added and changed, and going from there with the corrections for Tuesday’s presentation. 

Journal 9: Sydney and I presented in class on Tuesday and I think that it went really well. We took the feedback we were given from our dry run and incorporated into the already created script that we had from before. Adding these new ideas and a newly made visual aid I think we did a really good job at conveying why we thought our shared skill was important and how we could help others develop this shares skill. I think Sydney and I as a team was awesome, we worked well with each other. We texted quite frequently leading up to the presentation on Tuesday about what to add and to make sure we feel one hundred percent confident in our speech. I think that the struggles that we face initially, just finding a common topic and making it interesting, really went away after the first class and it has been smooth sailing ever since. 

Dry Run Video:

Rough Draft Outline:

Final Speech Outline:

Visual Aid:
