Short Story 2 Reflection

 My story was workshopped in class Thursday, 11/10,  and I think it went really well. This story was much heavier and darker than my first story so I was nervous about how that would land within my peers but I think that it went really well. I got a lot of positive feedback and comments that made me feel more secure in this story, I was wavering with it a lot before I turned it in but after today I have grown to love the story. They left some really good comments and questions about critiques when moving forward, specifically Jesse when he talked about cutting out multiple pages to condense and create more real estate in a short story realm. While I see where he is coming from, and I understand the reason for chopping it down, I do not feel confident enough in myself and the story to remove so many critical pieces. It would take a lot of reworking and revising before I felt comfortable with it, but it is definitely a possibility. As of now I am leaning more toward my first story, because I feel a greater connection to the idea of an artists book with the one, rather than this one.  But I am still very up in the air for what I want to do for my final project. 
