Recursive Process

My revision process has changed a little bit over the past semester. While I didn’t change my grammatical revision process I did change reorganization and new paragraph additions. I have learned how to add more information to my paragraphs to show my own ideas in the paper. I am able to take pieces out of one paragraph, where it may not be working too well, and incorporate those important ideas into another paragraph. This kind of reorganization was really helpful for me to adapt and use this semester because it helped me keep paragraphs and ideas that were very important to what I was talking about. In the first two papers, I would just scrap those ideas since they did not fit into the paragraph they were in instead of finding ways to make them work. I also learned how to split up paragraphs and add new paragraphs into my writing. I usually write long paragraphs that get very boring but this semester I have learned how to split a single paragraph up into multiple paragraphs that all flow nicely together. These ideas that I have learned have helped me become a better writer and be able to show my opinion and ideas in better ways. I used all of these tools and techniques in the editing of my first draft to my final draft of Paper 3. I took ideas from class, when we talked about “naysayers” and added an entire section into an already developed paragraph. By doing this I added more detail and another side to the argument I was trying to make to my readers. And because of these tools that I have learned in class, I was able to have coherent thoughts that I could simply add into a paragraph that flowed together and still showed how I felt about the topic. 
