Keep yourself as organized and as on task as possible

The transition from high school to college is quite the leap. You go from a rigorous scheduled day, set and planned out for you by the higher ups in the institution. While in college, everything is decided for you. You pick your classes and decide the type of schedule that you want. But that means that you are responsible for the rest of your day. This is completely different from the way that high school used to be. By being organized and having a plan for the day, you can manage your time as best as possible. Finding and creating a plan for yourself to make sure you get all of your work accomplished, while still having time for fun is really important. 

Dorm life, specifically, is pretty crazy. You live around most of your peers and have the ability to see them whenever you want. And that can lead to slacking and not taking the school aspect of UNE seriously. Being able to set aside that time in your day for your homework and essential school based activities is really important. Here is some helpful advice: create a google doc or note on your device that has all of your homework listed out, whether it be for the week or the year. Check off things that you have done to gain a sense of accomplishment when those tasks are completed. Have daily alarms on your phone that remind you to start homework, take a break or get back to doing that work. Having things in your power that can help you take control of your work, and get you on task is very important.

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