
The change from high school to college is very scary. There are so many unfamiliar people, all in an unfamiliar place trying to get ourselves through the year. Freshman year is such a large step for each person, in your own individual way. And there is no guide or step by step rulebook to follow to make sure you take all of the right steps to have the most academically successful four years that you can, while also having as much fun as possible. Our goal is to create a handbook for you that helps answer any and every question you may have. Giving you resources that you may need in order to have the amazing four years here at UNE. We know how hard this change can be, so in creating this handbook we have found a way for you to find ways to tackle any challenge you find. Each of the authors of this handbook have been in your shoes, we have all been freshman moving into a dorm with a stranger or two and have had to learn how to swim once we were thrown in the deep end. And in all of our combined time here we have learned the ins and outs of UNE and how to survive. So when you are in need, The Rolling Clouds will have some advice for you. 

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Photo taken by Mackie Harvey
